Generator Installation

Rock Hall, Maryland. Installing a 370 lb 6 kW diesel generator in an already finished boat is a delicate process. A crane picks up the generator, maneuvers it over the open companionway leading inside and slowly lowers it to the floor with some human sideways pushing to clear the descending steps. Once there, a lifting bar is fitted through shackles attached to the generator allowing two people to lift and move it in short bursts of effort through narrow doorways and into the aft equipment room. The final step is to raise it 4″ by incrementally putting thicker and thicker pieces of wood under it (cribbing) so that it can be slid across a bulkhead lip into its final resting place on an aluminum platform the shipyard had welded in place to hold it. Now bolted down, the remaining work, which will take a few (several?) days, is connecting the diesel fuel supply, the seawater cooling (thru hulls already in place), electrical output, starting battery, etc. Getting it in the boat today after a two week delay was a major milestone.