
Flying 7 Continents Solo is the fascinating account of a pilot flying alone around the world in a small single-engine plane, across oceans and through foreign countries, to achieve the rare goal of landing on all seven continents. This book will be of direct interest to pilots, of course, but also to those interested in international travel from an entirely different perspective – the cockpit of a small plane. From enduring the angst of possibly running out of fuel over the ocean to navigating laughably mindless aviation bureaucracies to reckless nights on a beach in Santorini or in a Bangla Road bar, this is a personal story that will intrigue anyone drawn to unique travel adventures. It is also a very accessible narrative about flying, a subject which is still mysterious and foreboding to many, made more so by airliners that disappear and flights that are inexplicably delayed.

368 pages.    300 color photos and maps.